The George Kerry Life Foundation teamed up with Exquisite Magazine to party against cancer. The Exquisite Magazine against Cancer Walk, (formally called the Exquisite Fashion Party) is an event which has been held annually since 2006. EMAC is held to increase the awareness for cervical, breast and prostate cancer and in the process promoting its partners and sponsors.
Partnering with George Kerry Life Foundation in 2010, exquisite has been able to provide cancer screening for many people free of charge at the exquisite fashion party.

In 2012, instead of a party, the exquisite magazine against cancer walk has been created with the aim of screening even more people. In the last 2 years, 25% of the people screened had early stages of cervical cancer and we aim to help raise more awareness for cancer and highlight the importance of early detection.

The Aim is to continue to increase the awareness for:
– Cervical cancer which kills one woman every hour in Nigeria
– Breast cancer which kills a woman every minute and
– Prostate cancer where eight in ten black men will be affected in their lifetime.’’

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